This is first year the Indonesian Auditor Community was commanded by Mr. Hidayatullah, SE., Msi., Mkom., Ak., CA., CPA successfully conducted a Workshop entitled “ACL Audit Tools” facilitated by the Trisakti University Accountant Professional Program and the Indonesian Compartment Accountants Association Educator Accountant through Dr.Sekar Mayangsari, SE., Msi., Ak., CA already successfully held a workshop event. This event directly sponsored by PT. Artha Mulia Trijaya / AMT As the Official ACL Partners in Indonesia provides who gave a new colour at this workshop.
The trainer was filled directly by Mr. Rushaidi Imran Wan Abdul Razak from the ACL Malaysia Representative and Linda Sualdani from AMT corporation.
Training followed by 65 Participants from 8:00 a.m-16:00 p.m. With the spirit of togetherness, the ACL Audit Tools Workshop processed. We see a more interested from various participants of this event and add insights related to Audit Tools, participants feel less time for training this good application.
According to Mr.Hidayatullah, as the actual coordinator of the event, this event was carried out thanksfull to the support of all participants where the fee collected from participants of Rp. 350,000 per person who was enough to make this event realited.
Thank you to the company and the Public Accounting Office who sent members to join this event. They come from many town like Surabaya, Purwokerto, Lampung, Bogor, Bandung, Sukabumi, Baturaja and Palembang. Hopefully this event brings benefits to the participants.