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Puregold Enhances Storage Reliability and Performance for 24×7 Business Continuity
Why Huawei?
With system reliability and performance as its top selection criteria, Puregold has chosen Huawei against the incumbent and other player in the industry. Huawei proposed a converged Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network-Attached Storage (NAS) solution incorporating remote disaster recovery and end-to-end Converged Data Management (CDM) — which impressed Puregold’s senior management team with its excellent performance, reliability and assurance business continuity.
Puregold was heartened by the compression capability of Huawei Dorado NVMe All-Flash Storage which delivers two-times faster performance than the other two contenders, and resulting significantly lower Puregold’s total cost of ownership (TCO).
When Huawei conducted a remote Proof of Concept (POC) on Oracle Business Solutions, and shows that it has achieved perfect Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) with zero scores. This shows that Huawei’s solution can be delivered up to 99.9999% availability and support 24×7 business continuity.
Besides the superiority of its solution, Puregold was impressed with Huawei’s responsiveness. This was proven thru delivery of solutions in three days and completion of POC testing, which includes problem resolution in just 15 days. The main strategic of partnership is based on Huawei’s sincerity and commitment to deliver a future-ready solution that address Puregold’s current challenges, and getting ready to grow exponentially.
Huawei’s Solution for Puregold
Huawei’s converged Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network- Attached Storage (NAS) solution, incorporating remote disaster recovery (DR) and end-to-end Converged Data Management (CDM), which delivered reliable and performing system. This is in align with Puregold’s customer centric and service-oriented businesses.
Puregold Can Now Enhanced DR Assurance & Ensure Their Mission- Critical Retail Operations Will Remain Up & Running Round-The-Clock
To enable efficient storage self-protection in a multi-cloud environment, Huawei’s CDM solution, together with the solution’s active/active architecture, further assures Puregold of zero data loss in the event of any fault at either sites. This is to ensure 99.9999% reliability and 24×7 business continuity, while supporting Puregold’s ‘zero data loss’ policy to secure and safeguard its critical data.
Powered by intelligent chips, NVMe architecture and Huawei FlashLink intelligent algorithms, the Huawei Dorado5000+NVMe All-Flash Storage provides industry-leading IOPS with 0.3-millisecond latency and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of 3 million hours — delivering two-times faster performance than Puregold’s legacy storage solution.
Puregold has successfully lowered its TCO with Huawei’s industry-leading inline compression and de-duplication technology, backing up by data reduction at a ratio of 5:1. They can enjoy further investment protection with Huawei’s Smart Virtualization technology which allows the effective management with heterogeneous storage systems from both legacy and new storage infrastructures.
Operations and management (O&M) is now much easier by using OceanStor BCManager – Huawei’s disaster recovery and backup management software. Puregold’s IT managers can now centralized manage its DR architecture, visually monitor the operating status of its DR services, and performed data recovery and one-click DR testing easily. Data backup has been simplified with permanent incremental backup system, synthesis-free recovery technology, and multi-tenant automatic backup for FusionCloud – Huawei’s Cloud Computing platform.
Future-Proofing for Greater Growth
Moving forward, Puregold is assured with a future-proofed IT infrastructure to meet its fast-evolving business needs, backed by the superb performance, comprehensive enterprise-class capabilities and high efficiency of Huawei’s storage solution.
Meningkatkan Performa Storage Selama 24 × 7 untuk Business Continuity
Mengapa Huawei?
Dengan mengutamakan kinerja sistem, Puregold telah memilih Huawei sebagai vendor terbaik untuk company. Huawei memberikan solusi Storage Area Network (SAN) dan Network Attached Storage (NAS) dengan cara mengkobinasikan pengembalian & pengumpulan data Management (CDM) — sehingga bisnis Puregold dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Puregold sangat memuji solusi dari Huawei Dorado NVMe All-Flash Storage yang memberikan kinerja dua kali lebih cepat dari dua pesaing lainnya, dan menghasilkan total biaya kepemilikan (TCO) Puregold yang jauh lebih rendah.
Ketika Huawei melakukan Proof of Concept (POC) jarak jauh pada Oracle Business Solutions, dan menunjukkan bahwa ia telah mencapai Recovery Point Objective (RPO) dan Recovery Time Objective (RTO) yang sempurna dengan skor nol. Ini menunjukkan bahwa solusi Huawei dapat mencapai ketersediaan hingga 99,9999% dan mendukung kelangsungan bisnis 24 × 7.
Selain keunggulan dari solusi yang diberikan huawei, Puregold terkesan dengan responsif Huawei. Ini terbukti melalui penyampaian solusi selama tiga hari dan penyelesaian pengujian POC, yang meliputi penyelesaian masalah hanya dalam 15 hari. Strategis utama kemitraan ini didasarkan pada kesungguhan dan komitmen Huawei untuk memberikan solusi yang siap untuk masa depan yang mengatasi tantangan Puregold saat ini.
Solusi Huawei untuk Puregold
Solusi Storage Network (NAS) yang terhubung dengan Storage Area Network (SAN), Huawei, menggabungkan disaster recovery (DR) dan end-to-end Convergent Data Management (CDM), sehingga menghasilkan sebuah sistem pekerjaan yang baik. Hal ini sejalan dengan bisnis yang terpusat pada pelanggan dan pelayanan Puregold.
Puregold Sekarang Dapat Meningkatkan Jaminan DR, & Memastikan Operasi Ritel Mereka Akan Tetap Beroperasi Sepanjang Waktu
Untuk memungkinkan perlindungan storage yang efektif dalam multi-cloud, solusi Huawei CDM dengan arsitektur aktif / aktif solusi memastikan Puregold tidak akan kehilangan data jika terjadi kesalahan di kedua situs. hal ini memastikan 99,9999% dapat bekerja dengan baik dan kontinuitas bisnis 24 × 7, sehingga mendukung kebijakan ‘zero data loss’ Puregold dengan mengamankan dan melindungi data perusahaan.
Didukung oleh smart chips, arsitektur NVMe dan Huawei FlashLink smart algorithms, Huawei Dorado5000 + NVMe All-Flash Storage memberikan IOPS industri terkemuka dengan perhitungan 0,3 millisecond dan Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) 3 juta jam – menghasilkan dua kali lebih cepat dari solusi storage lama Puregold.
Puregold telah berhasil menurunkan TCO-nya dengan Huawei’s industry-leading inline compression dan de-duplication technology, didukung oleh pengurangan data dengan rasio 5:1. Mereka dapat menikmati perlindungan investasi dengan teknologi Smart Virtualisasi Huawei yang memungkinkan manajemen dapat bekerja secara efektif dengan sistem storage yang lama maupun infrastruktur storage baru.
Operasi dan manajemen (O&M) saat ini jauh lebih mudah dengan menggunakan OceanStor BCManager – meliputi Huawei disaster recovery dan backup management software. Manajer IT Puregold sekarang dapat secara terpusat mengelola arsitektur DR-nya, memantau status pengoperasian layanan DR-nya secara visual, dan melakukan pemulihan data dan pengujian DR sangat mudah hanya dengan one-click. Data backup telah disederhanakan dengan permanent incremental backup system, recovery technology without synthesis, dan multi-tenant automatic backups untuk FusionCloud – Huawei’s Cloud Computing platform.
Pemeriksaan jangka panjang untuk Pertumbuhan Yang Lebih Besar
Bergerak maju, Puregold dijamin dengan infrastruktur IT yang telah teruji di masa depan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis mereka yang berkembang cepat, didukung oleh kinerja, kemampuan kelas perusahaan yang komprehensif, dan efisiensi tinggi dari solusi storage Huawei.
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